When will deliveries be made for orders made for Hari Raya 2024?
As we bake fresh before delivery and without preservatives, we prefer to deliver close to Eid itself. This year the delivery period will begin from 2nd to 7th April. Deliveries will be made between 1030 to 1.30pm or 4.30 to 7.30pm. For further enquiries, email us at cz@lidafoods.sg. Due to high traffic of calls, we will not be answering calls, but you can drop us a Whatsapp text at 87819323.
Will I be given a receipt for my orders?
Your delivery order will be emailed to you upon check-out.
What if I have already made a purchase and I would like to add to my orders?
Subject to availability, you can Whatsapp your add-on orders at 87819323. We will waive the second delivery fees and you only need to pay for the items ordered.
Can I self-collect my items?
Yes, self-collection is one of our pick-up points at Jln Pemimpin, You do need to check out first and we will refund you the delivery fees with GST. Whatsapp text at 87819323 or email us at cz@lidafoods.sg to make an appointment for your self-collection.
How many cookies per tub?
Depending on the size of cookies, large or medium, each tub contains and average of 40 to 60 pieces.
How big is each roll?
Each roll is about 8 inches long
How and where do I keep my cakes?
You can keep your cakes in the chiller.
How long has CZ bakery been around?
CZ Bakery has been around for a long time, since 1947. It is dedicated and inspired by Che Zahara, the silent heroine of Singapore. Today, her legacy is passed down to her grand-daughter, Ms Rita Zahara who still makes time to bake a limited number each year due to her busy schedule of running multiple businesses.
Click here to read more. https://www.czbakery.com/index.php/about-us/
I would like to make changes to my order. Who can I contact?
For any changes to your order, please email us at cz@lidafoods.sg. We will try our best to respond to you as quick as possible. Due to high traffic of calls, we will not be answering calls, please drop us a Whatsapp text at 87819323.
I am interested in purchasing for my friends/family. What do you recommend?
All of our goodies are AHMAZINGGGGG. But if you would really want us to recommend, please see the category ‘Best-seller”
What are your best-selling products this 2024?
The new product lunches include Triple Chocolate Chip cookies, Almond Biscotti and the undisputed favourite, Nutella Tarts. a
How are CZ Bakery healthy snacks healthier from other snacks in other bakeries?
Our healthier range products use Monkfruit which has zero calories. Our products are also filled with plenty of nuts such as almonds, cashew nuts and peanuts. Nuts increases your heart-healthy good fats which lowers your bad cholesterol. Our healthier range products are also within 100 to 200kcal range. So rest assured and dig in to our healthy snacks!
What kind of products are under the healthier range?
You can try the zero-sugar products which means they are produced using monk-fruit.
How many calories are in each healthier range desserts?
Per serving,
Less than 200 kcal snacks: Big cookies (108-198kcal), biscotti bundles (120kcal)